Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. Mrs. G called me in the middle of tropical storm Fay, asking if I had any time to photograph them with their grandson while they were in town for the next few days. Thankfully I was able to throw together my studio (in the middle of my house!) in about an hour. I don't usually use lights, I utilize natural light at a park or at someone's house, but since it was POURING RAIN outside, I cranked out the good ol' Travelites!
This family is extraordinary, so fun and loving, and so proud to be a family. The grandson had fun meeting my daughter, who is only 17 months, but looked huge compared to this 3 month old little boy!


SHHHHH... don't wake up Mrs. Meredith's kids Mom and Dad!

I love this shot!!! He was such a sport to sit in the bumbo!