See menu on the right for a link to buy photos from Finn's benefit! ALL PROCEEDS GO TO FINN!
Finn, a sweet little 10 month old boy, has something called Diamond-Blackfan Anemia. He can't make his own red blood cells, and will have to undergo blood transfusions and steroids for the rest of his life. If that starts to fail, he'll need a bone marrow transplant. This disease affects 700 people in the WORLD. I can't imagine what his parents, Bridget and Matt must be going through. I have been blessed with two healthy kids, and I'm not sure how I'd cope with a situation such as what they have been dealt.
I have had the opportunity to reach out to them and share my talents, and for this I feel blessed. I photographed Finn on Wednesday at the Bryson's house, and was able to capture some great shots of the little guy (www.mmphoto.net/gunderson). Last night in downtown Orlando, there was a benefit for Finn. There was a silent auction at Finnhenry's and then a benefit concert featuring Steve Foxbury at The Social.
The auction was great, I got to enjoy myself as well as work. I got to see some of my friends that I have literally not seen since High School! How great to be reunited with some great people.
There were 100+ more entries for the silent auction donated from the community. My husband and I are proud new owners of a case of Red Bull and cherry vodka, a car detailing package (which I insist should be spend on the VAN), and I got a hair cut and color at Alchemy (my friendly neighborhood alternative salon). Wooohoooo! I said NO to the kegerator. No, no, no. ;)
I also contributed to the auction with a fine art metallic print that was framed by Let Us Frame It (College Park), and a photo session and print. I'm very excited to see who bought my stuff, thanks!
I took photos of the auction and of the concert and will be selling them through a link on my website. Should be pretty fun. All the proceeds will go to Finn, so buy some! I will also be putting a book together of all of the photographs of the evening to sell for Finn also. I know I got some great shots of people at the auction, but the concert, eh, not so much good stuff I don't think. We shall see!
I feel honored and blessed to be able to take part in an event to help such a precious boy. Good luck to you guys, lets make this an annual thing!
See Finn's blog: http://finngundersonjournal.blogspot.com/
Read more here: http://rarediseases.about.com/cs/blackfandiamond/a/072002.htm